Staying Motivated


Staying motivated can be tough under many situations. So how can one sustain motivation when you have been trying to lose weight for months but the results show no change, when you get another rejection letter, when you have so many goals to accomplish but nothing seems to be coming on track?


Everyone knows, the key to accomplishing something is to stay motivated. Here are some tips to stay motivated:-


• Make a list of objectives

Each task doesn’t have to have a good reason forcompletion it, but if you take a good glance at your listand analyse it, you will stumble upon something good.

If you ever need to complete, a task which you dislikeand you are not motivated about even a bit, all you need to do is find your reasons. As soon as you find your list of good reasons you’ll be motivated enough to complete your task!


• Divide the goal into smaller targets and reward yourself

Tony Robbins, a motivational speaker says, “A major source of stress in our lives comes from the feeling that we have an impossible number of things to do. If you take on a project and try to do the whole thing all at once, you’re going to be overwhelmed.”

Break down the project into small parts and try completing the parts one by one. To stay motivated while doing your project, reward yourself as soon as you complete a part of the project. This will make you want to complete the project quicker.


• Make the tasks fun

Attitude makes a huge difference in the dimension of motivation. Different people may approach a task with a completely different attitude. Some may feel the task is absolutely useless, while some may like it. Why do you think this happens? Well those that like it often find ways to make the task interesting and fun. Take physical activity as an example. Playing a sport each evening or going to the gym for an hour each day may be boring for some people. But at the same time it is a passion for others. Such people love doing these activities, as they make it fun. To accomplish one’s goal faster, bring in an element of fun.


• Make strategies, but also be prepared to change them

Having a strategy is a must, as it helps us in our course of work, but in case this strategy does not work, don’t give up but rather be prepared to change the strategy. Thomas Edison says, “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”


 Learn from other’s stories

Everyone needs a pep now and then. Stay motivated by watching videos of inspirational moments, so that you feel the urge to keep striving.


Staying motivated is a very crucial part of our life. AsWinston Churchill once said, “The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

What makes an individual a good leader?


Of the top qualities for a leader, delegation and trust of team members is cited as one of the top ones by Forbes. This is followed by clear communication, positivity, intuition and creativity.

Communication does not just mean clear articulation of ideas, but also having the capacity to tell hard truths too. For example if a manager has an unusually high opinion of himself, he needs to be brought down to earth with a heart-to-heart talk.

Better articulation is a skill that can be developed over time. Says billionaire entrepreneur Richard Branson, “Communication levels the playing field. If you can speak well, you can outshine the competition in so many ways. Every week I receive emails and comments from our readers who have found uncommon success almost immediately upon improving their communication skills.”

Researchers who have examined qualities (or traits) of the leader, came up with Five Factor Model of personality, that possibly differentiates leaders from others. The five factors, also known as the Big 5, have been found in many leaders, spanning from the corporate sector to the armed forces, and that too across different countries of the world.

The Big Five are:-

  • Openness (Intellect)

Such people tend to be intellectually curious, sensitive to beauty and are willing to try new things and take risk.

  • Conscientiousness (Dependability)

Such people tend to plan meticulously, rather than indulge in spontaneous behaviour

  • Extraversion (energetic, positive emotions)

These are enthusiastic, action-oriented individuals, who love being around people.

  • Agreeableness (compassionate and trusting)

Such individuals value getting along with others, and are generally considerate, kind and generous.

  • Neuroticism (Emotional Stability)

Someone low in neuroticism is not easily upset and less reactive.

Often a leader can be sensed because of several noticeable qualities, thanks to his sheer charisma or leadership presence (gravitas). This could be a strong handshake or a purposeful walk or an articulate manner of speaking, or even a combination of these qualities.

While leadership presence seems to be natural to some, in others it can be developed over a period of time. The example of former Prime Minister of England, Margaret Thatcher, is a striking one. She was the daughter of a green grocer, who underwent coaching on how to talk eloquently and even how to walk with poise. She developed her leadership presence to such as extent that she later became known as the ‘Iron Lady.’

When it comes to men and women, is it the same qualities that make them a good leader?  While there are some differences discernible in the leadership styles of men and women, it is interesting to note that very often what makes a good leader is not gender per se, but rather an androgynous individual who has both masculine and feminine qualities. In workplaces that are becoming increasingly diversified in terms of human resources, it is the androgynous leader who seems to be able to adjust with the greatest ease, and thus stand out as a leader par excellence.


Becoming Limitless !


Athletic fever grips the world with ongoing RIO Olympics, and upcoming European Super League. There are Men and Women out there breaking old records and chasing new ones.

But few questions first. 

What pleasure does it give to kick a football? What high would anyone get with those swirls and twirls up above in the air before a Gymnast makes a perfect landing? After all, what value kicking and hitting can add to anyone’s life? Why should football fans pan globe go crazy ahead of the European Super League comprising of twenty teams – Barcelona, Real Madrid, Atletico Madrid, Manchester United, Manchester City, Arsenal and many more…

Put these questions to any sport lover. Chances are, he won’t even find it worth answering. Dare insist him….only God can come to your rescue.

Did you ever try a 100 meter sprint in your High school days? The feeling one derives after hitting the finishing line could not be captured in words.

No cash, no medal can replace it.

Its difficult to explain the adrenaline rush, as language has its own limitations. Love of any intensity or degree — remains Love only. There is no upgraded or evolved word so far in the Oxford dictionary – that could replace “Rocking Love’ with one word.

Point is, we may not always be able to explain, the level of ecstasy we feel, when we enhance and outstretch our limits. Its a feeling that remains with the one, who experiences it.

Sergey Bubka made the world record for men’s pole vault 35 times during his career. With hardly any pole vaulter in his league, Bubka competed with none other but himself. Chasing his own world records. Breaking the outdoor world record 17 times and the indoor world record 18 times. Bubka lost his outdoor world record only once in his illustrious career. After Thierry Vigneron , of France, broke his record on 31 August 1984 at the Golden Gala international track meet in Rome, Bubka subsequently reclaimed the record on his next run, just minutes later.

Brazilian soccer player — Pele – the rage of 1940’s

revolutionized the game with his electrifying, creative and athletic style of play. An appealing player who transcended national boundaries in a sport that is almost synonymous with nationalism. Pele became a global ambassador of the sport, bringing increased attention to soccer in many countries, especially the United States.

These men of iron didn’t compete with anyone but themselves to become limitless !!!




The year was 1969, four years before his premature death at the age of 32, little known Bruce Lee wrote a letter to himself.


Enter a caption

“I, Bruce Lee, will be the first highest paid Oriental super star in the United States. In return, I will give the most exciting performances and render the best of quality in the capacity of an actor. Starting 1970 I will achieve world fame and from then onward till the end of 1980 I will have in my possession $10,000,000. I will live the way I please and achieve inner harmony and happiness.”

The legendary martial actor didn’t survive for that long but whats intriguing is, he realised all his dreams much earlier then he had aspired for. Bruce Lee died in 1973.

Bruce Lee was no prophet who could peep inside the future.  He was an ordinary man with extra ordinary dreams. Call it the power of conviction, that he could prophesize.

Importantly, how many of us trust our capabilities or dreams? How many us can dare to write a letter to ourselves?

In an age we live in, even a friendly jibe, or smirk is enough to shatter our confidence. Why is it important for us to seek recommendations? Why should my happiness be depending on other persons moods? Why do i seek validation? That too, when i am a multi tasker – jack of all trades and also the master of all tricks.    I explore and explore, seek solace and hunt for places people mediums promising ecstasy.

Perhaps, most of us live in a cocoon, with limiting beliefs. Refusing to reach out and stretch imaginations, forgetting the truth – “Expansion is life, Contraction is death.”


What motivated Sylvester Stallone to write the play – “Rocky”?



It was a coincidence.  The small time actor went to see a fight between Boxing legend Muhammad Ali’s in 1975 with Chuck Wepner.  This fight became the inspiration behind Sylvester Stallone’s Oscar-winning film- Rocky.

Point is we all have our own sources of motivation and inspirations. What inspired Stallone, in 1975, couldn’t inspire many other actors and writers of his age? And why should? Since we are born to be different, and with different abilities. What is important, is if we are able to take cues from such small omens of life around us, so as to pursue our wants as an artist, social worker, writer or whatever.

Stallone was desperate to make the movie which ended up making him a millionaire star.  He was so poor that he had even sold his dog to raise cash. Born in New York’s notorious Hell’s Kitchen, the hairdresser’s son had been surviving on bit parts, -B-movies.

A pregnant wife and less than $100 to his name. But his luck changed in 1975 when he went full throttle to pursue his career in Hollywood as an actor.

Stallone got his cue from the Muhammad Ali fight he saw that evening in 1975.

So stay alert, Life keep sending signals and your cue can be just around the corner !!!


Do You Have What It Takes to Be an Entrepreneur?

There is a bit of an entrepreneurial spirit in every one of us. At one point or another, we all use this spirit in life, be it at work, at home, in school or in a relationship. But have you ever wondered what it would take, to turn your entrepreneurial spirit into an active skill? In other words, have you ever wondered if you had what it takes to become an entrepreneur?


Before we go any further, let’s establish a few terms first, just to be sure we’re all on the same page here. So, Entrepreneurship is a process of designing and managing a new business. This business can be offering a product, a service or a process. Or maybe something else entirely. An entrepreneur is the person that  runs this process. It is this person that recognises an opportunity, develops a business plan and takes advantage of said opportunity. This is the person with in-depth knowledge of the market and the economy, with a creative approach to solving problems and the right mindset to keep the people he is working with motivated. It’s a demanding, but often a very rewarding job.

Since you’re reading this article, I take it you have a desire to become an entrepreneur yourself? I take it you may also be wondering if you’re cut out for the task? To become an entrepreneur one must develop his or her entrepreneurial spirit into an entrepreneurial mindset. The mindset is about the way one thinks and approaches problems, presented to them. A correct mindset is key to successfully managing your own business, especially in today’s rapidly changing economic ecosystem. The truth is, many people just aren’t cut out to be entrepreneurs. It’s a blunt statement, agreed, but deep down you know it to be true. If you are to be a successful entrepreneur, you will first need to answer these two questions. “Can you do it?” and “Do you like the idea of creating and running your own business?”. If your answer was positive to both these questions, we are free to move on.

Now ask yourself another question. “What are my best traits that I could offer?”. Some people are good with numbers, some are very organised, again others are good at crafting while some excel in social skills. The real question here is, what values can you offer? For example, in network marketing, traits like charisma, barter and a sense for leadership produce fantastic value, both for the company you represent as well as for your customers and business associates. Take a moment and give it some thought. Analyze your personal attributes. Where do you see yourself? What do you see yourself doing? At this point it would also be a good idea to list out your strengths and weaknesses. It will make it easier for you to find your valuable traits. Remember, this is where honesty is key. There are no right or wrong answers, this is about you being honest with yourself. Taking a look at your personal or professional resume could be useful as well. More often than not, it’s our experiences that help shape our traits.

Once you established the kind of person you are, and know the kind of market you want to enter, it is highly recommended to draft out a team of people you will soon rely upon. Let’s face it, everyone has shortcomings and no one can do everything by themselves. And you don’t have to! Every successful entrepreneur has a close team of people he relies upon, whether they admit it or not. So, if your social skills are not exactly top-notch, you might want to associate with a ‘people person’ to communicate with your customers. Or hire a professional to take care of the highly technical parts of your business plan, if that’s not your cup of tea.

Next you will need to set a few goals your yourself and your business. Without a goal you might as well be doing business blindfolded, since without a clear objective, how can you ever reach one? A goal can be pretty much anything but it’s usually best if you stick to the ones that are realistic. If you won’t be able to achieve your goals, you probably won’t be happy building your business. Most goals people set are financial, since finances are number and numbers are easy to read or measure. Be specific when setting goals. You will need to see your achievement, once you complete it. For an example goal, you may state something like “I want to achieve 10,000 in profit by the end of this year.” or “I want to achieve 10,000 units in monthly sales by 2017.” Also note that you can set long-term and short-term goals. We just mentioned an example of a short-term goals, however a long-term goal can be way more ambitious and bigger, achieved over the course of a decade or even more.

So, with everything accounted for, you are ready to begin your entrepreneurial journey! Be aware that along the way you will be faced with challenges you’ll need to overcome and obstacles you will need to tackle. It won’t always be easy, but if you’re anything like me, it will always be fun. Remember that business is a game of both skill and knowledge. There is always something new to learn, always something new to master. As long as you keep learning and maintain a sharp set of skills, you will be at the top of your game. As stated in the introduction, entrepreneurship is not something everyone is cut out for, but if after reading this article you can see yourself doing it, go for it! Shape your process so it fits your wishes and do what you love to do. Learning by doing is the best way to go, so even if you’re not quite sure about how everything will fit in place yet, don’t worry, you’ll figure it out. Do it today, make it perfect tomorrow! And, good luck!
